Monday, December 15, 2008
another horrible florida trip
I did not do any of my holiday baking altho I will probably do some and send them out late (but maybe not!!!) I do have to go to the post office with 2 more gifts this week. I'm hoping to send OH - he is used to going and has all kinds of strategies for when to go!!
I have so many projects around the house started - 2 rooms are all upset with started things and they are not getting finished. And what is up with the 9X12 rug rolled up and on the floor of the front hall???? We do not want it and it is too heavy to move. Our only tribute to Xmas, a little light up tree about 2 feet tall is not lighting on the top half. Plus, the end table i used to put it on is now doing another duty so the tree is on the floor next to a plug but of course is not plugged in since the lights don't work. Must make cookies this morning for a barn lunch thingy. omg, 2 sticks of butter and a package of cream cheese, not to mention the sugar and chocolate chips. The sad part is that they are really good and I will probably eat several of them.
How many times must OH say, "Where's my corgi?" ???? He is in love with kb's puppy!! I will try to put a picture of him up if i ever download them from my camera.
I do not want to go to this lunch today. Plus, I did not do my rda care-taking this weekend due to hanging out with W most of Saturday (much nicer I must say). He showed off his fabulous clicker skills to his pasture mate's owner and her niece. What a cute little girl! She was all giggley because W was nosing her all over looking for treats.
It is getting light out now. Must make SF reservations today!!! I want to see my babies!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
i really meant it but
So OH was kind of relieved that I came back disgusted and said, "I'll apply for SS and share the money with you!" That made me laugh since there is really no question of sharing per se. Anyway, I'm still planning to keep my riding since it is the only thing I have ever done for myself and I am definitely going to RI this summer. I don't mind going by myself if I have to. I can rent a car and stay at Bonnet with whoever is at the house. A stack of books, a beach chair and that's all I need. Of course OH will come (not really caring about going to the beach) but maybe I can stay longer on my own and set my own schedule.
I have to do a ton of baking this week to send everything out before Xmas. I am rapidly losing interest in doing it though. Plus, I forgot all about that when I bought my mailing boxes so will have to go and buy some just for that.
Oh why did I get up at 4:15 a.m. this morning????? Anyway, I am making plans to go to SF in January. I tried to figure out a Florida schedule for the 3 of us for 2009 but it seemed to complicated. If lasis goes at least twice that would be great and since risis goes every 6-7 weeks, and I go 4 times, that should cover it. The only problem is that there are some months that no one wants to go or can go, esp towards the end of the year. It is pointless to even try to plan it though since 2 of my one-week visits this year turned into a much longer stay.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Another morning spent on the phone!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Another day spent doing things for parents-
Well, those two items meant tons of phone calls and emails. Including the physical therapist in Fl to make sure the wheelchair was not too small. Then OH would not get off his butt and clean up the mess in the pool after 4 days away so I had to do it plus the laundry (not completely done yet).
Throw in grocery shopping and cooking and I did not get to go ride my horse which I really wanted to do. Tomorrow I will go first thing.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Brennan born today by C-section - 9 pounds 3 ounces!! Very exciting!!

Had long rambling conversation with aide today and I never actually figured out what in the world she was trying to tell me. I have pushed the whole problem off on risis since I am leaving tomorrow. Never mind that the whole thing has to be done by phone but I just don't feel like doing it.
At least I got to watch Wiz eat grass for an hour or so - very relaxing- it was a stunningly beautiful day.
Monday, October 13, 2008
dreary thoughts
They are in a good place with really fine people caring for them but it is not the same as one of us sisters being near them. They did choose to live there and insisted on it, but what a way to end your life, having total strangers take care of you. Daddy would like to be near lasis and ma would like to be with risis, but I seem to be the one who has the time to go there in a crisis. Hmmm. I just re-read that last sentence. The last word is just too funny. I should go back to bed but I have already had too much coffee.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
My neighbor brought over her kids' ant farm - cute!! I should have added the ones I found on my kitchen counter this morning.
I liked watching my RI riding a new horse yesterday. His owner has offered to let OH ride him but he is being stubborn. It would be so much fun!
Friday, October 03, 2008
3 weeks??
I had ordered them some absentee ballots about a month ago. Then I read in the paper last week that for absentee ballots, the person's signature has to match the one they have on file. Okay, my mother has no signature anymore. So they are mailing a new signature card where the person can put any kind of mark. So risis has to get her to make the new sig, mail it in, and help her and daddy fill out the ballot, make the mark, and mail them in. She had better do it. My mother is writing in Hillary Clinton for president.
Risis had also promised to give the aide the old TV that was hanging around way early in the year for her bedroom. Instead, she gave it to lasis for her RV. Since I had never heard any of this, I was appalled that that had happened and also that I had never even thought of her having one. So we put ma in the car, went to BB and I bought her a 22 inch flat screen tv with a dvd player in it and a cord to attach it to cable and now she is in 7th heaven!! Plus I am going to give it to her whenever she leaves them. Her hubby just lost his job as a valet parker. She is an absolute gem and takes super care of my parents. I would do anything for her. We are paying her extra on the side from the agency and will probably increase that amount soon as the problems get worse. I was all clueless about which tv to buy but made a quick decision when confronted with the choices. Then how to hook it up? Is it as easy as buying a cord and connecting the ends? Everyone in the store insisted I needed an hd box, etc but a quick call to oh nixed that. I mean we don't have one and ours works fine. So we connected the cable cord and the plug and I put the batteries in the remote - and - nothing!! hehe, finally figured out that the batteries were in wrong. Then it was on and we went thru the auto set up and everything was perfect.
I did not hear from risis yesterday thank goodness because I was in no mood for it. My friend came to stay with me last night. We were all tired but I was really glad to see her. I will get to spend this afternoon and tonight with her also which I am looking forward to. Her house in Bolivar is no more. Just the pilings are left. And she is dealing with some relatives-in-law here in Houston who are in the same age-related situation (except worse) as my parents. Too bad the pool water is actually COLD or we could laze around this afternoon and swim. Maybe we will spa instead.
Last week instead of going home from rehab in the afternoon and then coming almost straight back in the pouring rain, I went across the street and had a manicure and pedicure. I normally do my own nails as I feel like a right ass paying someone to cut my nails and I never use polish since I am too lazy to keep it up, but I was exhausted and my nails were long a gross. The lady actually did what I asked her for once and cut them very short and I was happy. I almost gave in to clear toenail polish but nixed it at the last minute, thank goodness.
Must go now and start getting ready for my riding lesson. Going to see my baby and I hope he will be glad to see me. Did oh buy carrots for me?? If not, I have an apple.
Monday, September 08, 2008
early morning
At least lasis will be there with me so there will be someone to take charge and I can just hang out in the background. She will cook up a storm which will be kind of nice. We are going to make osso buco from ma's recipe and who knows what else??
I'm sure I will be sleeping on the couch right outside their bedroom so will be the one to have night time bathroom duty. Thank goodness lasis will be there to deal with daddy. I am always so focused on ma that I totally ignore him.
And that STARE AT YOU thing he does creeps me out. Ask me how I learned to be a complete blank whenever I want and that's why. I also hate the way he makes everyone come to the table to eat when he wants to eat. Bah!!! Whenever I can, I fix his food and give it to him and then fix mine while he is eating. He has, in the past just sat there letting his food get cold and waiting for me. Ha! I mean who can enjoy a meal with someone staring at them?
Saturday, September 06, 2008
3.0000000000000000000001 ways
Climb up.
Ask someone for help.
(If it's something light) Jump up, knock it off, catch.
Okay the last way is the "Beam It Down" concept but I am starting to suspect that that is just a phrase made up by Gene Roddenberry for his Star Trek series.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
where i will not buy meat again
And why was I crying on my way to the barn yesterday???? All I have to do is feel kind of sick and then start feeling all sorry for myself. I won't even say what I was crying about because it will make me seem like a total wimp. I did snap out of it after riding for a while since that always makes me feel better.
Once when we were at a dude ranch, I decided to play softball with a bunch of the other people. I love baseball. Well, what do you know, they had 2 team leaders who actually took turns choosing their sides. Oh, the misery of being picked last! I mean I am actually good at baseball but even the kids were picked before me. The person who finally had to have me on their team looked like she would rather fold up and die rather than have me. I only had one turn at bat but I whacked the ball really hard and got a good hit. The next morning, I woke up crying about if and cried all morning. omg, how sick. When I was in grade school, and a freaking tiny, skinny midget, either a girl called Sally or me were always picked last for teams. Gym teachers, please have your kids count off into teams and do not make the little tykes feel so bad.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
up at 5 a.m.
Last night we went to a big discount store to see if we wanted to join. The major lure is their yummy apple pie which I first tasted when la-sis was here a few years ago. After walking thru all the grocery section (no apple pies left), we decided that if we had about 5 teenage boys in the house, it might be worth it. So then we went to WM and bought a ton of cat fud. They eat those little containers of food - 3 a day (split between them) and they were 48 cents vs 69 cents at the grocery store!!
Ring is still off.
Cleaned my kitchen yesterday (finally!) Everything is clean in there now - even the inside of the toaster!! Floor was not done due to heavy rain and the stuff to wash it with being in the garage -
Did a lot of organizing of papers, magazines and books yesterday. Oops, one of the books I bought last week I already own. Thank goodness I still have the sales slip so I can return it. Finished reading the last book in my current series. I did not like this series as much as some of the others.
I did study French yesterday. I am working with the online site and also 2 books. OH is further along with German because he studies every day and I skip days sometimes. Plus, I know lots of French anyway and he started from scratch with German.
Rain rain rain today. Want to go see horsie even if I don't ride. I want to take his bridle apart and clean it but I'm afraid I will not put it back together the right way! I have never taken one apart and put it back together. So that has been keeping me from doing it even tho I keep meaning to.
Last week I cleaned up the piles of papers that were sitting around the study. They are now in one pile (hehe). Seriously, I plan to do something about it.
Reservations made for trip to Maryland. Two days traveling and two full days there. I will plan what I want to cook while I am there. One irritating thing is that there is no salad spinner. How did I ever make salad without a salad spinner?? I want to get her one for when I'm there but is that a little selfish? Then she will have to store it somewhere the rest of the time since I doubt if she will use it. Which reminds me, I want to steal the rasp grater from my mother! I love it and I have searched for it online diligently and cannot find one exactly like it. This time I am bringing it home with me. La-sis wants the mini cuisinart for her RV so I'm going to make her mail it to herself when we are there. I wish I could send myself the set of china that is there in storage (already given to me by my mother). It was my grandmother's which is why I want it. I don't think that all the pieces are there but it's a pretty delicate pattern with green and blue I think. Maybe I will just take it somewhere and have them pack and send it to me. All right, I would have to find a place to put it in here - I guess I could go in the bottom of the china cabinet which also belonged to my grandmother and I spent a fortune shipping here when the Narragansett house was sold.
Why do I have so many rugs? The biggest one is the one that was under the dining room table. It is 9X12 at least and too heavy to move. It is now rolled up at one end of the dining room. I wish I had vacuumed it before I rolled it up because now I have to somehow unroll it and clean it, wrap it in something and find a way to store it!! I could sell it but I'm imagining a different house someday when I would want it back. I bought that rug in Detroit and it was the only thing in our otherwise empty dining room. The other one I want to store is in the upstairs library room. It's smaller and manageable and I had it down here in the living room but now I don't want to put area rugs on top of the new carpeting. Most of my little orientals are rolled up and in a bureau drawer or on top of bureaus, chairs and sofas. I got all the little ones in Venezuela where they were super cheap. The other big ones are littering the family room and study wood floor areas.
I sent an email to the person in charge of the volunteers and the rda place saying I would organize the buddy program and have not heard back from her. I am pretty disgusted with the whole thing because they did not put us on the volunteer list for the summer and did not ask us to help with the new orientation which I had been looking forward to. It's possible that she is on vacation but I am thinking of checking out one of the other locations even tho it is a bit further away. Can they turn down an offer to take charge of the organization???? They did not have time to organize it ALL LAST YEAR!!! I offered twice last year to help the man who takes care of the horses and trains them, etc. and he never took me up on it. I mean those horse could certainly use a little extra grooming at least. But nooooooooo. There is something seriously wrong with that group.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
So should I go without? Buy a new and different ring? (seems kind of silly) OH has never worn a ring. First we couldn't afford one and then he was used to not wearing one. For now, I will go without one and then probably never get around to doing anything about it.
Did not do most of the things I was going to do yesterday altho I did study my French and sort of clean up the kitchen. We went to the bookstore the other day and I got the next 2 books in the Immortals series I'm reading. Then got 2 other books, a yoga tape (must try out today) and some birthday cards. My mother will be 89 on September first. How many times have I turned the August calendar page to September and said . . . omg, it's her birthday!!
There is a cat sitting on my mouse pad.
Yesterday I rode W and the stablehands were like, following us around with the weedeater!! No matter where we went. We cantered up and down one of the paths lots of times - fun!! I let him loose after his bath so I could put the tack away and instead of eating grass, he followed me back and forth from the stall to the locker as I put things away. HAHAHAHA what a silly horse!!!
Doesn't it always happen that as soon as you decide to get your hair cut, all of a sudden you like the way it looks?? My hair has been horrible but yesterday I just let it dry curly and it actually came out nice. Too bad there is a decided gray part tho- - -
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
boring stuff
November trip to be scheduled.
Oct trip to mil shaping up but not completely finalized. More research into pet-friendly hotels needed for bil.
Dec trip may not happen in December lol.
Otherwise have been wasting way too much time. My needlepoint project that was not finished for last Xmas is not much further along. Cataloged all but 2 shelves of living room books on librarything - project stalled due to them being ohs books. I will probably have to finish them. Recipe organization project from last week still sitting on kitchen table along with the pizza box that kitty has been sleeping on every day for the last month.
I signed up for free French lessons online here (hehe, just figured out how to do that type of link). Anyway, I get a weekly email from the site showing me the next set of lessons and I got my second one yesterday but have not finished last week's lessons. OH is doing the same think in German. Right now he is studying his lessons and I am doing this blog instead. right.
Plan today is study French, get some FOOD at the grocery store (making list/menu and going thru coupons first), get car inspected and oil changed, empty kitchen countertop and clean it, clean stuff that was on it, and put everything back. Spilled a cup of coffee this morning and it went all under the microwave. WASH KITCHEN FLOOR - must do. Watch equestrian olympics which should be on from 5-7 p.m. Mess around with laundry. It is supposed to rain -
Went riding last night and W was so good. I put up the reins and he put his head down. I lifted up the rest of the bridle and he totally put his head down and turned it towards me and opened his mouth for the bit. !!!!!! I worked on all this last week did not see any improvement on the weekend but last night was a different story. So I will see next time. I did hold the bridle differently last night - with my hand around to the side. But the point is that he opened his mouth for the bit!!! hehehe
So it's 10:30 and I have done nothing but look at the paper, eat yogurt and mess around on the computer since 7 a.m.
Monday, August 04, 2008
What? Five more trips this year?
All the brothers are going to visit my MIL in October and I actually want to go on this one. I have not seen her for a year and a half and I like being with them. Plus, I am the only one who can cook, altho I can't really speak to my SIL.
There's 3 trips.
The next two could actually be combined but it sounds like a giant hassle. One to see my soon-to-be nephew in S Ca and the other to see the kids in N CA. I can't go 5 months without seeing them. This one would mean 2 plane tickets to sc, driving to nc, hotels, eating out, driving back, plus the cost of pet care, plus missing so many riding lessons!! Nooooooooooooo!! Am I crazy??? Oh kids, listen up! Why don't you come visit us??? I would not ask it really because I always had to do it when you were little, but . . .
Next year I am going riding in Wyoming for a week, no matter what.
Thursday, July 31, 2008

When am I ever going to get myself to go thru all this?? I mean it has mostly been sitting there forever so I must really not need any of it. Buried in one pile is a bunch of Christmas cards bound with a rubber band and meant to be gone thru to update my address book - hahaha
I have still not gone thru my cards from BlogHer - is it the heat here that makes me not want to do anything? I think I am still recovering from all the work I did this spring and all the trips. It's too hot to even go swimming. I walked the neighbor's dogs yesterday morning and then goofed off until it was very hot before I went riding. I had fun tho.
I was only a teeny bit homesick a couple of times on my trip. I guess I was so busy that I didn't have time to be homesick.
Already planning my next trip to Florida - probably over the Labor Day weekend because J is going then for my mother's birthday. If we go together, things will be easier to handle. The other day, I called J there and my mother wanted to get on the phone. So she starts off, "I . . .I . . .I . . . (she usually can't think of what she wanted to say), I . . . I . . . love you."
WHAT?????? Our family NEVER says that to each other!!!!! omg, you will never know how funny and sad that is all together.
J sent me a DVD of a compilation of old home movies my father took. Lots of WWII vids and then the family movies. J and I when we were baptized, first communion, confirmation, beach, snow, Easter egg hunts, etc.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My horsie saw the chiropractor!
Poor guy, no wonder he kicks out when asked to canter on the right rein! And he was his usual sweet self throughout the session. Love him! No riding for 2 days and then a follow up appt in 2-3 weeks. XOX
all set for blogher
I am bringing an extra suitcase with my riding gear because we are taking a day to go horseback riding here: I will probably bring my helmet on the plane with me. I would not trust the helmets they have there because if they are 3 years old or have been dropped or left in the sun, they basically have no protection left at all. I get to check a second bag for free due to my special, super-de-duper, fabulous "elite" status. lol
I have also packed my new bathing suit. It is a halter, which I never buy, black and white stripes and a very nice scoop neckline. The bottoms are a short skirt over the typical bathing suit bottom and the skirt has a zipper and snap and white top stitching so it looks like a jeans mini mini mini skirt!! No pic but it is very cute.
my old jobs
I got a master's in library science in 1984 and went to work for the H Public Library main location in the Business, Science & Technology (BST) area. I worked there for a couple of years and then made a brief foray out into the business world as a librarian at Pt Marwk. They then promptly disbanded their library (I hated the job anyway) and went back to HPL as the assistant manager of BST. This created a lot of bad feelings in the department since many much more qualified people applied for the job. There was some objection to all of them tho. One had made no secret of the fact that she was about to retire to NJ, one was a very good librarian but had the reputation of being kind of lazy, one was fairly sick (died a few years later), and one was buddy-buddy with the "witch" of the department. So I muddled thru and finally won the respect of most of the people by being very fair and not encroaching into their particular areas of expertise.
A lot of my time was taken up with scheduling 15+ people everyday for time working at the reference desk. The worst part was scheduling Sundays and no one was ever satisfied.
The part I liked best was collection development. During my 12 years there, I had 2 collection development areas. Both of them were very complicated since they involved both the business and the science departments, so it was like having 2 CD areas instead of one!
The first was Transportation. Oh, and keep in mind that this was pre-internet!! so everything had to be found in books or journal articles!!! Transportation in the science department meant everthing to do with cars, planes, boats, motorcyles, ships, railroads, etc. (except "how to" which was in the Fine Arts dept.) Blue Book values!! Indentification of cars!! Fixing cars (omg, Chiltons)!! Boat motor repair!! Driving test booklets!! In the business dept, it involved, of course, the business and history of transportation and a lot about ocean transportation of goods - shipping.
The second area of CD I had was Energy. Needless to say, for Huston, this was a massive undertaking since we had to have a comprehensive collection. For science, we had everything about geology. Geology is the most highly documented area there is. We had an immense collection with many series that had to be kept up-to-date plus an old donated collection that was falling apart but was not supposed to ever be weeded. My boss and I finally did weed it and I bought achieval-type boxes and paper to neaten it up and keep it as safe as possible. Aother problem with this collection was that it was not in the electronic catalog. It was in the card catalog though (we were in the process at some point of switching from the card catalog to a CD-ROM-type of thing which was horrible - one long tape inside that you had to scroll thru). So we laboriously pulled all the cards and kept them in an alcove as the means to finding things in this collection Unbeknowst to us, however, one of the street people was pulling the cards out and using them as scratch paper!! So much for that!!
In business, the Energy collection included all the directories of oil companies, and the STATISTICS for oil and gas. Let us just say that it was hard work but I loved it for some reason.
Another thing we did a lot of was stock quotes. Before the internet, how would you have found a stock quote for any particular date? hehe, we had a set of books that helped but a lot of WSJ on microfilm was used. Ugh! And oil companies are notorious for merging and changing names. There were books to find out about that also.
A couple of science reference questions that stand out in my mind:
What color is the equator? (came from a grown woman) after much discussion about how the equator is an IMAGINARY LINE, ended up with, "okay, you can think of it as green over the land and blue over the ocean)
What is the "angle of repose" for a pile of crushed cement? hehehehehehe (found it btw)
Besides working in BST, we all had turns working in "Telephone Reference". This was a separate area that up to 7 people could work in at once and had a "ready reference" collection designed to answer all general questions. If questions could not be answered with that collection, the call was transferred to the subject department.
Add to all this, various committees, conferences, and general goofing off (not much really) and you have the picture. I mostly liked being on committees. For one, you were off the reference desk. Second, I quickly found out that I would have a "vision" of how I thought things should be for any given situation and most people would not volunteer their thoughts so the one who did usually had their way!! I do have to say though, that HPL is notorious for forming a committee for something they actually had no intention of doing. So the several committees on "selling the business department's services to the business community" never amounted to anything which was extremely frustrating, especially when there were so many documented accounts of other libraries across the country that were actually implementing this idea. So many conferences attended with this idea in mind, so many reports written up which were ignored - sigh. I don't care any more though so HAHAHAHAHAHA.
In 1998, we moved to Venezuela due to OH's job. When I came back, I worked as a temp for about 2 months for J, an investment bank, putting a ton of documents into an in-house database. The I worked for 6 months at Ricaroni University in a 2 person department that did paid research for businesses - mostly on DIALOG, a collection of fee-based databases. I did not like the commute and so quit, especially as they really wanted someone who knew chemistry and I knew virtually nothing about chemistry and the databases for chemistry are very complicated and specialized.
I then went to work at J for good as their librarian and loved loved loved the job for 5 years, then got tired of it. The last year I was there, OH had retired and was lolling around at home and I was supremely jealous. I have to say that I was very suited for this job since they did almost all energy-or transportation- related deals in Huston. I did have to help out the other offices with other industry deals but a lot of the information was obtained the same way and the actual industry didn't matter.
Factset, SDC, Investext, Factiva, Bloomberg, Disclosure - goodby!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
back from florida
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Dont want to go.
Trail ride today. They said early and last time they aimed for 9:30. So I was ready by 9 a.m. but didn't even see Christy til 10 and then she had to tack up and warm up and then go back for her helmet. We did not get back til noon. She got off and walked her horse on the nice straight trot/canter place so it was pretty boring after all. Plus we were in the sun some of the way and I did not put sunscreen on. So now have a slight burn on top of a tan.
Why can't people be on time???? I'm really sick of it.
I have a giant suitcase of stuff to go to Florida with. I think I will buy some of the things I usually take while I'm there and then not have to bring them. Such as a hairdryer, shampoo, etc. I can put it in the closet and label it as my box of stuff. I'm bringing my horsie needlepoint that I started last year for RI. Maybe I will actually work on it this time. I need to have really good light and time to waste!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Florida saga -
So nurse comes up, calls ambulance, tells aide NOT to clean up the blood (potential evidence in case of death) and off she goes. Daddy and aide follow later in taxi and somehow (didn't get the details) she gets home and is okay.
The stream of phone calls thruout the day - the less said the better.
J tried to teach ma to say, "Get the hell away from me!" when he tries to help her.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Yummy trail ride
What a brave boy and so happy. He went second in the line of three on the way out and first on the way back. He kept to a nice walk without any trouble at all. He wanted to trot but I did not have to struggle to hold him to a walk. He did trot a couple of times but was easily brought back with no pulling on the reins (well hardly any) - just holding the reins and saying "walk" and a couple of times I did the rein combing, esp when we went by the scary huge rusted out truck someone dumped in the woods. He even walked up the embankment after crossing the creek on the way back. Seen, but not by me - a big deer and an owl. I would have dearly loved to canter by the sand pit/retention pond, but we were good and just walked. W was thinking wtf is the matter with her, this is perfect!!??? All things in good time I guess.
Meanwhile, plumber is here fixing the incompetent work of out contractor's plumber - the master bathroom toilet is leaking thru a light fixture in the ceiling of the family room downstairs. crap.
On a positive note: making macaroni and meatballs for dinner and it smells good. Will get some rolls tomorrow for meatball sandwiches. So i imagine that i will pig out on pasta tonight and fall asleep on the couch watching some asinine tv show.
oh, the time spent!!
I get all this from J in a very jumbled way via two long phone calls on Friday late afternoon. Well, that plus the fact that he has something in his eye!! (that no one else can see) I send JW an email and she immediately calls me back and talks for almost an hour. I get the straight story from her plus and update on her social life including the new guy she has met online that she is calling "the turtle whisperer". (JW is so nice - I wish she could find a really nice guy!)
So I call Florida and talk to daddy and tell him that he needs to soak his foot in epsom salts in the meantime and put eye drops in his eye since the last time he thought he had something in his eye and was taken to the eye dr, the dr told him he had nothing in his eye but it was just dry. He gets pissed off at this but wtf??
Saturday, call Alliance and arrange for an aid to go with him to the dr since it will be a place he has never been and he won't know what to do. Of course J doesn't think of this. I don't know why it takes an army of people to manage them. Call daddy and ask how he is and tell him someone will be going with him. Ditto on Sunday along with speaking to ma which is quite painful now and also to the aide who is almost impossible to understand once she picks up speed in English.
Monday morning, call and make sure things are in place. Daddy doesn't remember an aide is going with him, so also speak to aide and remind her. Monday afternoon, call and make sure everything went according to plan which it did. Do not find out anything about the toenail, but get a long impossible-to-understand story about my mother's Monday morning dr appt where it seems that she has very dry skin and needs moisturizer. Well duh-
Okay, you get the picture. Every week there is this kind of heinous back and forth phone calling over something.
On the good side, woke up ridiculously happy from having such a good riding lesson yesterday.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Did not go riding but got a lot of small houseworky stuff done and read all afternoon while it poured rain! Made brownies during the afternoon and OH and I ate half of the results! :P I have not made brownies in about 10 years or so!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Today, all of a sudden, a major jump to the side and wild canter off. I stayed on but pretty well wrenched my back in the process. I think he may have been stung by something or bitten by a horsefly because afterwards he was trying to scratch his back leg. He is doing so much better with contact now and I can get him back right away when he evades the bit.
I'm doing much better lately with my riding. I have to keep in mind my constant collapse of my lright side which I'm thinking is due to one, being right handed, and two, carrying a purse on my right shoulder all these years. I have to make myself think about weighting my inside stirrup and outside seatbone and keeping my inside shoulder back. The big improvement tho, is that I am developing a better feel for what is going on. The secret is to picture what you want to happen. I can watch someone do something and then do it whereas all the technical analysis gets me nowhere.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Lovely kitchenware!
These are rice bowls but we use them for salad. Salad bowls are usually too small. I got 4 of them!
Dessert plates.
Bowls - soup size and small size.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
so much to do
Also, with all this time on my hands, I wish I would plan better meals. Today I am going grocery shopping (only one can of cat food left!) and I need to get coupons out, decide which ones to use, plan some menus, etc. I get slightly sidetracked in the store when I see something nice tho or if something I want for a meal looks gross. For instance, why are all the green beans so horrid looking? I think I will get some watermelon and see if Wiz likes it!!! The other day I gave him a pear and he was in a state of bliss. I will buy some chicken today and grill it with this marinade:
1T lemon juice
t tsp deli mustard
3 T olive oil
1/4 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2 T water
lots of minced garlic and parsley
This is from Cooks Illustrated and it makes the chicken taste like steak according to OH. I usually grill 6 chicken breasts with the tenders separated and we can eat for practically a week on that! I will buy some portobello mushrooms and make the chicken jambalaya recipie from The New American Plate.
Yesterday the drawers for our bathroom were finished and installed. Today I think OH is going to sand a couple of sticky places and prime them. Then they will have to be given 2 coats of paint. I need to sand the wall over the vanity and apply some of that stuff you put on before wallpaper (can't remember what it is called). I may wait til next week to actually put up the paper.
My next-door neighbor washed my king-sized mattress pad for me in her giant washing machine! So now I can make my bed up and get the bedroom looking slightly more put together. I would like to have an upholstered headboard made and get some decent lamps - oh, they must have big big fringy shades. There is not a decent lamp store in Houston. I need to find a good lamp shade web site (must look).
Ziggy cartoon in the paper today:
"I've got so much to get done today!
I don't know what to put off first!"
Friday, June 13, 2008
So interesting
Call my mother
Air conditioning man and also carpenter coming early this morning
Get some groceries
I need to go pick out some wallpaper for my bathroom. This is the hole that must be covered up
I can't drywall over it because it is the connection for the lights on either side:

Here is the hole covered by the previous wallpaper.
So now I have the dreaded task of choosing wallpaper that
1. I can stand
2. will match the rest of the colors, mood, etc. that are in the room. The bathroom doesn't look like that anymore - the space under the vanity is filled in and the countertop is a neat coffee-colored Silestone.
Why is so much wallpaper so ugly???? Maybe I should put more of this up:

I must see if it matches okay and if I have enough left over from doing OH's closet! Okay, and I have to remember where I put it when I packed everything up for the new carpeting.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
busy at work
boring day
cleaned and grocery shopped
hehe, stupid.
I am going to go ride this morning while Dean sits on the couch, turns on the financial/obama news and either plays scrabulous or Civilizaton or looks up his ancestors. This should be his gym morning but he will not go.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Near the end of the remodel!

Scanning that list, it seems that most of it is done. I painted my bedroom a fairly dark green but the room is big so it looks nice. Actually, I love it! I stole the little table from the living room and now it looks just exactly like a picture from a magazine that I have been saving for years and years. I then took the almost matching end table from the family room and put it on the other side of the bed. I still need to get some nice lamps with big fringy shades. The book cases I took from another room since now I will have no drawer in my nightstand. Must see how aggravating that becomes. Since that is the view you see when you come up the stairs, I want to keep it looking nice. Ha, we'll see.
Still to do- contact the carpenter who started to fix the mess the contractor left in the bathroom and ask him to actually make the two drawers. Pick out wall paper for the vanity area (to cover up the hole with the electrical connection) and then re-hang the mirrors.
We worked hard and almost everything is put away. I put all the books back upstairs in a sort-of organized way but not really. For the family room books (5 bookcases), I am putting them all on librarything as I unpack them. I seem to have a lot of books with no LC or ISBN numbers. Okay, Very Broad Categories only!! I just had to pay to add more than 200 books but that's okay.
Today I had lunch with my old supervisor and it was kind of nice to see her. We talked about our ailing mothers, people from work, being retired, my grandchildren and her great-grand children. The food was very good - Italian.
I got my moo cards today - all horsey and very cute. My blog address is on it so maybe someone will read my blog and be interested in it. Any HORSE people out there???
I'm planning to ride out in CA when I come for the BlogHer conference at a place called Blue Sky - it is a half hour south of Half Moon Bay. They have Tennessee walkers which I have never ridden but they are supposed to have smooth gaits.
Mother: not doing well. Has trouble walking. She holds the walker with a death grip and can only walk if you hold her hips from the back and move them forward one at a time. I am going there at the beginning of July and not looking forward to it at all. J just got back from 4 days there.
I have a new huge list of Things To Do but I don't even want to think about it.
Here is the sofa from the living room - now back-to-back with one of the family room sofas!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
To Do List
Today:- get hair cut and colored
- paint all trim in bathroom and bath closet
- email SIRE volunteer hours from last January
- clean living room (cat barf on and behind sofa ewww)
- figure out what to do with hole in bathroom wall where electrical stuff is, should I wallpaper over it? cover with small round cover? put a picture over it (hole too high up on wall)?
- ask gardeners to keep hedge on side of garage trimmed
- check on ma, and check to see the bed RX has been faxed over
- contact Jules to see about dr. appt for ma
- badger L to put up move vids of baby
- take dermatologist prescriptions in to drugstore
Other:- mail boxes to kids and Denise
- buy paint for bathroom walls and actually paint them
- decide on color of kitchen wall, buy paint, paint!
- call another place to get a quote for shower doors
- make a dentist appointment (long overdue)
- paint a couple of walls in the hallway
- unbolt bookcases from library wall
- clip cat toenails
- make appointment with laser dermatologist
- buy new drawer pulls for downstairs bath as the ones I bought at Anthropologie don't fit!
- call Pat B next week to have lunch (it's only been a whole year but am fairly committed to next week)
Okay, enough for the lists.
We finally got fed up with our contractor and amicably agreed to withhold 10% of the project cost and have someone else come in to dismantle his lame attempt at putting in two drawers under the bathroom vanity. Our cabinet guy then could not do the job as he is in bed with a hurt back. I found another guy by looking online. He is close to us and I emailed him 2 pics and he came over, took apart whatever he could of the crap that was done, made a super box for the drawers to eventually go into and put in a beautiful new toeplate. It is all now primed and ready for the new drawers. So everything that absolutely has to be done before the carpet goes in is done (for that part anyway). YAY!!!
Ma is getting worse. I arranged with the nurse at SC to have a hospital bed ordered (called her Dr. to fax an RX over) and she will order it and have it delivered and set up. Arranged with Janet to meanwhile move the night table (which she fell and cut her head on and got stitches for 2 days ago) and put a pillow on the floor where her head would hit the floor if she fell out of bed. PT and speach therapy is arranged to start up again. DR. apt will be made with neurologist at the request of Alliance. She is not responding to instruction, can't walk to the table to eat even.
Cutely, he loves his clicker training! Did I post a vid of him learning to bow? About 3 weeks ago, we gave him about a 10 minute training session on it. Tap him under the chest and lure his head down between his from legs, move the treat back until he has to stretch back and move one front foot, and then treat. (gradually of course) Okay, so on Sunday, we were having a little first aid session with some of the students. RI put her hand under his chest to listed for his heartbeat (or for some reason, can't remember), and what does he do but BOW!!!!
Ordered moo cards hehe. Convinced OH to come to SF in July! Tickets bought! I will go a couple of days before the conference and he will come the day after the conference. We will have a lot of time to be with M. Must think of some fun activities.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
very busy!!
W is back at his old barn and all the work we've done with him seems to have paid off. I'm working now on keeping an even contact and doing fairly well. Last lesson I trotted over some poles and cavaletti in posting trot and in 2 point. Stay down you dumb heels!! Did pretty well. Then cantered - not so great. How is it that I have lost my ability to canter?? Will ask to work on this.
omg, the whole yard is being landscaped! Had a pretty high quote from a guy in Huntwick but then went across the street to talk to a guy that was working on the house across the street and he is doing the work for way way less. He cleared out all the plantings in the back yard, worked some new soil into the beds and the planting will happen today. OH and I went around to nurseries for 2 whole days and finally bought all the plants. Some Indian hawthorne from Cornelius and some azeleas, ferns and some larger shade-loving tree for the corner (forgot the name). And the BEST PART, we had 2 tons of stone delivered yesterday for a cool stone wall around the whole back beds!!!! I think they will plant this morning and then start the wall.
Then they will start the front!! Oh heaven! The only bad part is that I cannot help. I would so love to plant and make the stone wall. At least I will plant myself a border of flowers in teh back and also plant some juniper that will drape over the stone! Can't wait.
Contract for the bathroom has been signed and work will start next week. It will be a bit disruptive but totally worth it.
I have been spending too much money on myself. Make up, hair color and cut and then bought 2 pairs of new jeans that I SNEAKED into the house. Oh shame!! Now I desperately want to lease W for the month of March. I think it will be about $250 for the month. But Marl is going to lease and so it would be fun to ride together and practice different stuff. I need to get off the couch and out from in front of the TV every night.
I'm getting one of my babies in April! Have bed organized but need maybe stroller, car seat and high chair. Must send email out asking. Hope to get my other baby some time this summer. Would be so fine. We could pool, ride, play, get ice cream, etc. I think I never truely grew up. haha
Florida front looks as dreary as ever. J is going there at the end of March. I don't know when I will be able to go again. So far, it's possible first week of April before L comes, but the thought is depressing. Who the fuck asked them to live in Florida????
I took the plunge and got my hair done at HR Salon right up here on the corner in Champions Village. Nice woman named Susan (about to become a grandmother for the first time) did the color and cut. She cut my hair EXACTLY like the photo I showed her. I love it!!! Color is a bit dark tho, next time I will get it a tiny bit lighter. My red streak hardly shows - must get that fixed also. But the cut is perfect.
Went last night to the Top Hands practice at SIRE and OH and I will go again tonight. Then tomorrow, we will go down to the livestock show and help all day getting the horses ready. I'm really looking forward to that. Then Friday morning is my lesson and then we go down again to help the rest of the day with the actual show. That will be pretty hectic. I hope Marl goes too.
That's all folks!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Having 5 training sessions with a personal trainer, Joe, and they are kind of dumb but wtf. Got Dean's membership price down anyway even if they would not upgrade him to every day for a slight increase in price. Have missed the Monday morning yoga two weeks in a row now. Maybe I will go tomorrow - there is a 24 SRT class and then yoga!! Would be really cool.
Rain and rather cold all week.
Denise and Don are in Florida getting tons done!!! Thank God. It's amazing how things just go on as usual but as soon as one of us is there, there is so much to arrange and do. The whole situation is absolutely outrageous- they should be in RI where someone can oversee their care on a regular basis. Even if Jeanne went once a week, it would be better than it is now.
We went to a Parelli clinic and learned a lot. It was freezing cold but we stuck it out. I bought W a green exercise ball and he put his nose on it and followed it around when I pushed it with my foot. I don't think K was too impressed. I also made him some yummy cookies.
Had eye apt and have a new prescription - must pick up tomorrow. I used some old frames which are slightly larger in the lenses so we'll see. Also had some new reading glasses made.
Have not talked to Linda since her trip to see Anne, need to have lunch with Pat Breivogel. We are supposed to be having dinner with Robert and Nancy this Saturday.
Jack still not crawling but is on hands and knees and trying to stand! omg, how totally cute. And Milo looks so grown up in his pictures, can't wait to have that great big strong hug he gives me! Never stop doing that Milo!!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
2008 whatever!
I love not going to work, but what am I doing instead? Yes, I've made a little headway on decorating/de-junking house but to what purpose? OH totally resists any change/spending of money. To his credit, he does appreciate things after they are done but the struggle to convince him to agree to it, pick things out, get someone to get it done (or get it done myself or with his help) etc. is almost not worth it. So things get done little by little but after 9 years in this house, it still looks like crap. My house in Michigan looked better. All my apartments looked better.
Special advice: if you are going to fix up your house, just do it all at once. Otherwise, you just get inured to a house full of swill.
Riding- My RI has moved my lesson horse to a new barn and consequently I have started having my lessons there.Just planned a trip to SF. I'm very sad and lonely when I think of all of their lives I am missing.
I have plenty to do here and keep very busy (while still having tons of down time) and am basically happy and I know they are super busy with their own lives and probably now and then think of us, but still, wtf am I doing here in Texas? The fucking middle of nowhere. Go up into space and look down at me here and tell me why I am here.