Monday, July 31, 2006

The Dreaded TV

I watched TV all Friday night with my pizza and cats. Then, didn't even turn it on til Sunday night. Where I stupidly wasted the entire evening. Oh well, I got a lot done on Sunday anyway mainly creating files for piles and piles of papers:
Cell phone info (new plan)
Expense reports (from work)
and lots more I can't remember right now.

I still have more piles to go, but a great start has been made.


heard on NPR this morning that some very good quality film of the 1969 moon walk has been "misplaced" . I remember so perfectly holding Liz up (one month old) to look at the TV so she could say that she "saw" it. Liz, you DID see it!! lol

The images that everyone saw on TV at the time was a regular television camera filming the monitor with the really good images. Rats! They'd better find them! They are keeping the old viewing equipment just in case.

Hoping to take a personal day off tomorrow to meet with my decorator (yay!!) and go and visit my new lease horse- spend some time with him grooming, bathing, walking on lead to grassy field. Taking pics maybe.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

five times a week!!!

So I'll be leasing the horse and my two lessons per week will not count as the 3X a week I can go and ride!! However I will be handing over a hefty chunk of my paycheck!

My goal of spending my entire monthly pay to prove to mrh that we don't need it is coming along fine. (Should I admit to myself that it is rather self-defeating since without a paycheck I could hardly justify some of the things I'm doing?) Spent a bunch on makeup and shoes yesterday. Got some perfectly impractical ones just cuz they were cute. I don't care.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

How to be a banker

Make up a paragraph (or 2 in this case) to prove a point and leave a few strategic blanks for me to fill in the statistics. But first:

1. have a few beers
2. be sure you don't really understand the subject
3. make it impractical
4. have some suggestions that don't work
5. drag it out for 2 days

There you go, you're an investment banker. Be proud!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

people are a$$holes

Did you know?

What was I thinking this spring? Instead of taking my parents on a 2 week vacation, I should have been settling them into assisted living. That would have been useful. But no. I will include myself in the title category.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

mrh very depressed about going to his mother's tomorrow. She is being very resistant to selling her house. She is now pulling the "health card" as mrh says. She can't go look at new houses because of the heat and getting asthma. Well, duh, turn on your air conditioner! She can't because she can't afford to run it. Well, sell your house and use the money to live like a normal person and quit driving my husband crazy.

Horrible questions at work yesterday. Left at 4:30 and I don't care. I'm sick of it. I need time to get subscriptions worked on and I have too much other work. I'm sick of ethanol and corn questions. Shove some gas in your car and get over it.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

passive agressive or lazy or what???

OH has been home for 3 weeks now. Is anything of substance done around the house? ha! I just cleaned out the fridge (was that milk or what?). Cat barf from 3 days ago still hanging out in 2 places. Pay a bill and leave the stubs and all the other stuff in a pile in the desk instead of turning around a filing it. Files are all there- just put the 2 things a day you touch in them. :P:P:P

I will just ignore. I will lease my horse and not be here to get aggravated.

horse lease?

Now I have to decide whether or not I want to lease a horse that my RI is hoping to take on. My leasing him will help pay for his board.

RI wants to charge me $250 a month for 3 days of riding. This is fine with me but then my lesson on Sat is $68 and the bareback on Wed nights is $38. omg, that comes to $674 per month!! yikes. I must be crazy. I need to discuss with her!

I would ride him in my lesson on Saturdays for sure. Wed nites I could probably ride him or the one I usually ride. If I rode lease horse on Weds, that would only leave me one more ride for my $250. And if I need to use another horse's tack like I did yesterday, that will be a problem because the times when I can ride (after work) the other is usually being used for a lesson. I guess I would ride him on Sundays when there are no lesson given.

If I can work out the tack problem and find out exactly what "training" I would be doing, I will probably do the lease. I have not had a chance to really discuss this with her. I hope to on Wed night. RI's helper has been told that this will be her first horse to train. hmmmmm I think I am being used for the financing of this horse (I know I am) so I need to be sure exactly what I will get out of it. I don't mind the $ so much but I don't want to feel taken advantage of in terms of amount of training I will help with (and learn how to do) and being limited for times to ride because of the tack. If I only rode him one extra day a week (Sundays) that would come to $62.50 a week. But I would be able to make friends with him and spend time there with him (I love being at the barn) and learn something as well.

Spent a lot of time this week answering oil & gas questions. Since this is supposed to be my area of expertise, all these get left to me. I realized that I am not so bad at it (many years of experience should do that!) but that if I left the company, all the things I just "know" about (in my head) would be unavailable to someone else. This is a typical librarian's problem which encompasses the whole idea of "knowledge management".

Knowledge management or basically any library work means manageing information from so many sources that knowing where to look, what the sources are, who to ask, what you may just know in your head, etc., is what is important. Getting an email reply such as "Dude, you're awesome!" is totally cool!! hey, all I did was get the monthly import total in $$ for India from 1968 to June 2006!

Today will be spent going to the gym, washing a few things, I hope sorting out some piles of papers and JUNK, cleaning out the fridge, getting a few more groceries, brushing a cat, calling mother-in-law and getting nowhere with that fiasco, thinking about horses, and most likely wasting most of my time doing nothing instead.

Thanks to someone special for setting up this blog for me :)

Monday, July 17, 2006

what to say

So I set up my blog with daughter showing me how.