Sunday, October 10, 2010


Great ride at Cypress Trails yesterday!

Thursday, October 07, 2010


Will have a private yoga lesson tomorrow morning! I think this will be my only private lesson due to the cost but starting in November, a friend will be splitting it with me. I will be in FL next week so I will miss the Thursday class but make the monday morning.

Still no riding. I guess I will just let it go and take a break from it. It's hard not to think about it though.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

ugh again

Soooo aggravated today. Yelled at OH, then cried and now am in a flurry of cleaning.

Woke up dreaming that I was on a Topp Cheff kind of show. We had to put hummus on crackers and then put on some toppings, choices were grapefruit, oranges and some kind of raw beef. We had four hours to get it together. wtf????