Call my mother
Air conditioning man and also carpenter coming early this morning
Get some groceries
I need to go pick out some wallpaper for my bathroom. This is the hole that must be covered up
I can't drywall over it because it is the connection for the lights on either side:

Here is the hole covered by the previous wallpaper.
So now I have the dreaded task of choosing wallpaper that
1. I can stand
2. will match the rest of the colors, mood, etc. that are in the room. The bathroom doesn't look like that anymore - the space under the vanity is filled in and the countertop is a neat coffee-colored Silestone.
Why is so much wallpaper so ugly???? Maybe I should put more of this up:

I must see if it matches okay and if I have enough left over from doing OH's closet! Okay, and I have to remember where I put it when I packed everything up for the new carpeting.
i think sherwin williams has some good wallpaper! and their search online tool sorts things by subject and color.
their site is sort of slow..
okay go to that link and in the wallpaper search area search under birds.
then click on the 7th page and look at the cute green bird wallpaper, top row, third from the left.
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