Nothing much going on. At least I could be doing stuff but I'm not. Taking trip to Maryland to see MIL tomorrow - that will be fairly boring but sort of comfortable. It will be nice for the 4 brothers to get together and the long lost niece will be there and it will be the first time I've met her. MIL is very nice but also super de duper boring. No one else can get a word in. Thank goodness we will be staying at a hotel. I wish I could go away somewhere far far away to a beach preferably.
Brennan born today by C-section - 9 pounds 3 ounces!! Very exciting!!

Had long rambling conversation with aide today and I never actually figured out what in the world she was trying to tell me. I have pushed the whole problem off on risis since I am leaving tomorrow. Never mind that the whole thing has to be done by phone but I just don't feel like doing it.
At least I got to watch Wiz eat grass for an hour or so - very relaxing- it was a stunningly beautiful day.
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