Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Florida again
Friday, December 03, 2010
My pretend horse
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Saturday, October 02, 2010
ugh again
Monday, September 27, 2010
Yoga and things
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Other stuff
Needlepoint progress
Sunday, July 18, 2010
My grandmother used to babysit for us on Saturday nights when my parents went out with their friends and we always watched the Saturday night movie. It was always good!
While I was in Florida, the Netflix movie that came was Superman. My mother slept thru it but my father watched.
The beginning: he asked me if it was a foreign film. I explained the baby superman, the planet Krypton, the exploding planet and the baby sent off to earth.
Teenage Superman: he had no idea.
Regular Superman enters: my father does not have any idea who the Superman character is. He never heard of him.
The whole rest of the movie: well, he watched it at least.
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
Sunday, July 04, 2010
Needlepoint progress

Beaded fringe on the saddle pad. Almost made me have a nervous breakdown due to the tiny beads, the thin needle and the thread. Done now tho so :P:P

Will put a batting on the back and a black cloth back with tabs to make a wall hanging. Should I roust out my sewing machine that has never been unpacked from the 1998 move? I dont think I even remember how to thread it!

Thursday, July 01, 2010
Quiet trail riding
"Perhaps there are as many obstacles in an arena as on a trail. If you don’t believe me, you might want to try experiencing the invisible obstacle course disguised as a dressage test. "
I have just started trail riding on a regular basis and I'm trying to be a quieter rider. I'm naturally a fidgety, quick-moving kind of person and get horribly annoyed at the slow-moving, deliberate people of the world. Why not do 2 or 3 things at once?? Why can't they think a few steps ahead?
Of course that is exactly the kind of person who makes a good horse person. A calm, relaxed person makes a calm, relaxed horse. Now my trail riding partner is one such person and her horse is just Miss Laid-Back. With her as an example riding in front of me, I am doing better at just being quieter as a rider and I'm watching my horse to see how he is feeling. Any head coming up makes me take a close look at why.
And my favorite doggie whispering guy - he says picture what you want and make it happen. Don't picture what you are afraid of hppening!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Awesome Bystander strikes again!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
trail riding and stuff
Today, I also worked on getting W into the wash rack outside the front barn. It is out in the open and is a U shape. The object is for the horse to be tied in there and stand to be hosed off. Finally got W to walk in there and stand by me but would not be tied and would not be washed in there.
Yesterday, I took the neighbor's dogs in the pool with me. One at a time since neither will actually go in by themselves. Last year, they were frantic in the pool. After watching the dog physcology show on TV and copying what he did, I can now gently coax one of them in and hold her til she is calm and then she will quietly swim back to the steps. I think she finally realizes that she should go to the steps and not try to scramble up any old edge. The other one will get on the first step on her own but then I have to pick her up and carry her in the rest of the way. She, however, did completely relax in my arms and let me hold her belly out with her back up against me and her head resting off to the side on my shoulder!! Cutie! She has no idea yet about swimming to the steps to get out. lol
Have a brilliant (I hope) idea for my duck shoe needlepoint. I'm back to the lace idea for the background after messing with some alternatives. I think I can take some thin white crochet thread to form the pattern and then needlepoint over it in white floss! We shall see.
Going to Florida in two weeks. I'm going to take some knitting and let my mother watch. She taught me how to knit when I was about 9-10. The whole time I was growing up, she had and unfinished pair of mittens in her bureau. She had started them in college and I think they just needed the thumbs but she never finished them. I remimded her of this the other day on the phone and she said, "I love you very much." Oh dear, that is a long sentence for her and she hardly ever says anthing without some prompting. If I can't tell if she still has the phone to her ear and can hear me, I start saying, "10, 20, 30" and she starts counting by tens up to 100.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Who wouldhave thought?
I still don't think I am particulary artistic, but all of a sudden, starting last year, I am drowning myself in needlepoint projects. Never again the already painted canvas. No Santa Clauses, hearts, flowers, etc. (not that I have ever done a Santa Clause or heart thank you), but I will be drawing my own designs. So far, I have just traced a couple of pictures onto canvas (duck shoe and kb's horses), but I have a couple more in mind.
The instructor in my np class can't stand me because I change so many things, even in the pre-painted canvases. OMG!!!, the sacred painted canvas!!!
The sea scape I am working on now has 5 different scences on one canvas. (pic when I get a chance). I'm so sorry I even bought this canvas from her. It is incredibly boring. So far, I am running the scences into each other and I have put a Del's lemonade and a Mr. Potato Head onto the table under the beach umbrella. This is because this project will eventually be the Christmas or birthday gift of my BIL in Rhode Island, and Del's lemonade and MPH are both based in RI and so it will be a bit personalized. There is a sailboat that may have either an anchor (on the RI state flag) or a crab or lobster. There will also be a needlepointed sign that says Rhode Island hanging from the gate somehow.
My running horses canvas is now stripped of all its previous threads and new ones are bought. The threads are like little colored jewels, waiting to be a finished picture. I can't wait to start it but I have to get rid of all this other crap first.
Saturday, June 05, 2010
finally going to ride!
I'm almost finished with one of my needlepoint projects.

I think this is it before I started it. I just have to finish some of the background and put in the beaded fringe on the saddle blanket. I'm not sure if I am going to frame it (too expensive) or put a backing on it with pocket tabs so it can hang on a rod. (lame) This has been very labor-intensive, mainly because my needlepoint instructor suggested little cross stitches for the background. It looks pretty but it is taking forever, uses a lot of thread and is hard to see.
After this one is done, I have to finish a sea scape I started for my BIL and then can work on my duck shoe and my running horses canvases. I just found another np shop and I'm going to take some of this stuff over there for suggestions. I know what I want to do and how I want it to look, but I'm just not sure how to actually get the effect I want.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
yoga injuries
Monday, March 15, 2010
Duck shoe
Friday, March 12, 2010
where does my time go?
Not getting chores done and not getting any of my other activities worked on either.
Here are some pics of a new needlepoint project - not started yet of course. Duck shoe with lace background stitched on. Thank you Anthropologie.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
ranch vacation
We are going on a horseback riding vacation to Wyoming this summer!
Sunday, January 03, 2010
New aides?
OH was really super as usual. Every day, he got out his "Italian in 10 Minutes a Day" book and worked from it with my father. I read some French to my mother and she really enjoyed it. I also brought her into the kitchen with me and we made brownies and veggie soup. We found two parks close by. One had a cultural center with interesting art work, paved walking paths (wheelchairs) and a carousel. The center has various shows during the year - plays, concerts, etc. which I would love to take them to. At the other park, we watched wave boarding for quite a while while sitting in the shade of some trees. We did not get to the beach but maybe next time.
I went to a needlepoint shop and saw some awesome work done by the daughter of the owner. I also liked some of the canvases, done by Sandra Gilmore, but they were between $200 and $300 just for the canvases. I don't think so!!

The results of my mother's neurology tests are back. The doctor is thinking of putting her on one or two new meds but insists on a personal consultation with one of us first. So that means that it will have to wait until risis goes there at the end of January. My mother was making a real effort to talk while I was there.