Sunday, September 05, 2010

Needlepoint progress

I took the needlepoint horse and the heart ornament in to be finished. Horse will be a wall hanging and ornament is for nephew. The sea scape for my BIL was taken to Jerry's Artorama for framing. It's got the Del's lemonade and the anchor but left off the Mr. Potato Head. Spent about 45 minutes talking to the framing guy about cars, trips, snow, etc. He wants to see my duck shoe needlepoint!! hehe

Today I need to swill out this house. I need a hose and a yard blower. Okay, if I just put all the needlepoint stuff away I will be doing great. With those 3 projects finished, I can get all the yarn and stuff from them out of the way. Next I am going to finish the duck shoe and make a plan to work on the new horse np. I have decided to put the lace background on the duck shoe so that will take some careful work. I so love this one that I may actually keep it for myself! I have given all my others away. Or if it comes out really nice, I will give it to someone special that I have in mind.

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