Thursday, August 03, 2006

Frustration; Fear; Happiness

Frustrated with my job- taking it minute by minute.

Fear that sisters are at war in my parents house and the toll it is taking on everyone.

Shining thru it all, utter happiness that I have my lease horse. Bareback lesson on him last night. First time he has been ridden bareback and he was in a hackamore. So much to say and no time to say it in.

First, he is 14 years old but has NO training at all. Doesn't even know how to walk on a lead rope. The interesting thing is that my RI (riding instructor) has been teaching me basic basic aids that she says any horse can understand. She is being proved right. It's one thing to do these things on one of her horses that she has trained and had for years. But last night, I did a couple of basic things on this totally untrained horse, and he responded perfectly. For instance to stop: do nothing with the reins, just stop my seat following the horse's movement and stretch up tall (sitting up straight as well) and the horse comes to a perfect stop. Turn 180 degrees: look around to the spot you want to go and the horse goes there. omg.

He doesn't want to have a bath so on Saturday, RI is going to show us how to teach him to have a bath. We are going to teach him to lead. He is so sweet and learns very fast and is eager to do the right thing once he understands.

I just feel happy thru and thru under everything else. A little secret thing that I can trot (hehe) out anytime and be happy about.

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