Monday, August 04, 2008

What? Five more trips this year?

Keeping to our schedule, I have to go to Florida at least 2 more times this year. September and probably November.

All the brothers are going to visit my MIL in October and I actually want to go on this one. I have not seen her for a year and a half and I like being with them. Plus, I am the only one who can cook, altho I can't really speak to my SIL.

There's 3 trips.

The next two could actually be combined but it sounds like a giant hassle. One to see my soon-to-be nephew in S Ca and the other to see the kids in N CA. I can't go 5 months without seeing them. This one would mean 2 plane tickets to sc, driving to nc, hotels, eating out, driving back, plus the cost of pet care, plus missing so many riding lessons!! Nooooooooooooo!! Am I crazy??? Oh kids, listen up! Why don't you come visit us??? I would not ask it really because I always had to do it when you were little, but . . .

Next year I am going riding in Wyoming for a week, no matter what.


Anonymous said...

OMG! Guilted!

When is Oct. trip? Recall I will be on the blogging bus tour! Will be in DC Oct. 13th!

karen h said...

No, no, I didn't really mean it! Anyway, think of the stairs!!!! Oct trip (for Rog) will be the 23-26. Not sure we would go then tho-

Liz said...

well next march i will try to come for SXSWi, anyway!

Liz said...

also i have a master plan to go lie on a really warm beach with warm water at some point which i never get to do. then i can teach M. to bodysurf!

karen h said...

beach, bodysurfing, sigh . . .