Thursday, December 29, 2011

Not today :( - and other stuff

Rats, just when I decided to go see my horse, his leaser is riding him! I guess she changed her riding days again. And why can't I burn the dvd I downloaded to a blank dvd????? Two weeks til I go see a new shoulder dr. I think I see an mri in my future. New year's resolution which is the same as usual but which I will break immediately: To my sisters- "Don't tell anyone else, but . . ." hahaha. Parents will run out of money by the end of 2012 and then what?? Lose the 10 pounds I gained in the last 5 months. Must get out of the house today, maybe will go to the barn anyway but just a little bit later. My driver can deal with the traffic. Will I be able to take my band class or will my shoulder/arm problem be too much? I will sign up anyway and see. Trying to talk Dean into taking a French class with me. I gave him two German short story books for xmas and he can read them! There is an English translation on the facing pages so I just read Franz Kafka's The Judgement (in English of course) and now will read The Metamorphosis which I have not read in a long time. My fav short story is Conrad Aiken's Silent Snow Secret Snow. I think I could be Paul if I let myself. Lovely beach vacation coming up this year. Various relatives will have to be dealt with but the early morning hour on the beach when everyone is sleeping will be worth it. Big family reunion on Dean's side but those are strangely the people I really like. I just love everyone in his family even tho some of them are a little weird. Hoping that BOTH of my kids and their kids come. We rented two houses to accommodate everyone. Thinking of moving to Florida to take care of parents. We would have to sell this house but I don't want to buy one in Florida and I don't want to leave my horse even tho he is not mine anymore. The real estae market in Florida has totally cratered. There is a great house I would love that has been on the market for a while but u would have to pay $70K in club dues every year. as if. This is all one paragraph.

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