Friday, November 20, 2009


I have been practicing my flute playing and really enjoying it. By some miracle yesterday I was able to hit all the high notes without any trouble! I was playing Christmas carols and some old songs that my old Italian flute teacher, Mr. Iascone, wrote out for me. He was my teacher when I was in the 6th grade and when I look at the music and exercises I played then, I just can't believe it. All hand written by him!

I have been needlepointing without stop due to being sick and having to sit around. This morning is my class and I hope to get some stuff finished up but still have to go down to the Westheimer area to buy a certain color yarn that my shop does not want to order for me because I just need a little bit of it.

Getting sick has been a huge pain since I can't seem to get anything done and plus have not been able to ride. I actually feel much better though. I don't think I had the flu but just a bad cold and cough. Now to get myself off Afrin!

I'm actually doing well in a thorough cleaning of the house. In between feeling sick and just wanting to rest, I have been getting a few things done. Got oh to help me wash the family room windows inside and out the other day in a spurt of energy and moved the furniture to really clean that area of the family room but ran out of energy and nothing has been put back so the fr is kind of an obstacle course.

I still want to buy a new mattress for my bed but do I have the money? I would rather spend it, if I can come up with it, on a trip to SF but don't want to take two trips in December and we are going to FL over Christmas week. Still, I would like to get a good nights sleep for once.

OH is loving his German class! I think he has a slight crush on his teacher. He gets that naughty little boy look on his face!

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